Start your day differently…
Exercises to Release Trapped Emotions
Yoga / Breathing / Journaling
Quick 5 min Yoga exercises to release trapped emotions yin yoga ➨ urinary bladder meridian stretch
Yoga for Emotions 5 min yin yoga with affirmation / intentions for positive energy with Rebekah– Release Emotions with yoga to release trapped emotions.
♥ Hi Friends – Join me for a beginner yin yoga with intentions. Find emotions stored in body parts with yin yoga for emotional release. Yoga is one of the best exercises to release trapped emotions. Dive into this easy, simple yin yoga for emotions – easy, quick – just 5 minutes of yoga each day to help regulate big emotions and negative emotions.
Yin yoga is one of the top exercises to release trapped emotions.
Practice yoga to replenish and energize your mind and body regularly and notice your flexibility improve and feel your best self.
We have one affirmation to bring with us through the class and off the yoga mat into our day – just find a quiet place and your mat and join me.
Namaste Rebekah
Quick Yoga exercises to release trapped emotions
Yin yoga with intentions, journaling and free download
- Practice yoga, yin yoga ( 8 mins ) with affirmations and yoga intentions.
- Find emotions stored in body parts with yin yoga for emotional release.
- Then download my free intentions journal and use these as emotional regulation worksheets.
- Yin yoga is one of the best exercises to release trapped emotions. Dive into this easy, effective, simple yin yoga for emotions – quick – practice these exercises each day to help regulate big emotions and negative emotions.
Yin Yoga RELEASE emotions exercises to release trapped emotions –
Full Body Yin Yoga 45 minutes
♥ ♥ Hi Friends – Join me today for this yin yoga 45 minutes Yin Sequence to release tension and emotions stored in the body. Leave your expectations off the mat. Invite in tranquility and ease.
We are here to be powerful, loving human beings. Often our emotions, trauma and thoughts go astray and set us off our path. Join me today and get on your path.
Yoga for emotions – Yin Yoga morning Emotion Release 25 minute full body exercises to release
♥ Hi Yogi Friends – Join me in lovely sunshine overlooking the harbor ☀️ with 25 minutes of Yin yoga poses and tranquil ocean vibes. Release emotions and what is no longer working. This practice is a nice beginner yin yoga.
I use a block and a strap but you may modify without any props. I will show visual and / or provide verbal modifications.
Yin Yoga Release emotions – 60 minute yoga for flexibility Full Body Body Illumination 🔥
♥ 🔥♥ Hi Friends – I invite you to be your own energy master and join me on this Yin yoga Journey to release tension and emotions stored in the body. We are here to be powerful, loving human beings. Often our emotions and thoughts go astray and set us off our path. Join me today. Master your prana, chi, qi, divine energy and feel good being you! We will also have visual affirmations during our flow, relaxing music and finish with SUN MOON breath to complete and balance our energy.
I have to share an outtake on this video as well. I was joined by a soaking wet, adorable loving dog that licked every props I had with me. 😍
Yoga if you feel stuck Yin Yoga 🔥 Release emotions –
1 hour yin yoga for flexibility Full Body 🔥
🔥 ♥ Hi Friends – welcome to your 60 minutes of yin yoga for being stuck or when you feel stuck to become… UNSTUCK 😍.
In 1 hour yin yoga, we will focus largely on our gall bladder meridian. These energy lines influence your judgment ability, decision making, digestion, and your muscle / connective tissue resilience.
Try these yoga poses for gallbladder and liver and feel the relief. I invite on this Yin yoga Journey to release tension and emotions stored in the body.
Connect to your body- release tight energies Master your prana, chi, qi, divine energy and feel good being you! We will also have visual affirmations during our flow, relaxing music and finish with Breath of Fire and balance our energy
Yoga for Holiday Stress Yin Yoga flow full body stretch
90 minutes ❄️ Stress Release 90 mins
Yoga for Holiday Stress Yin Yoga flow full body stretch 90 minutes for Stress Release 90 mins 🎄 Hi Friends – WELCOME. In this Yoga for holiday stress ❄️ we are practicing a 90 minute yoga class for self care during a very busy season of your life. This is a Yoga flow full body stretch – we will focus on heart opening with the lung and heart meridians and heart chakra.
This is wonderful for yin yoga for chest and shoulders but more importantly. PERFECT YIN YOGA RETREAT! It will help you feel good and mitigate stress during a beautiful season. THIS WILL CHANGE THE GAME FOR YOUR HOLIDAY SEASON!
I speak from genuine experience. Take care of you spirit and everything else will fall into place. Namaste my Yin YOGI friends, Rebekah
Meet Your Yoga Instructor
- Rebekah is E-RYT® 500, YACEP® Certified Yoga instructor, Pilates Instructor and ACE certified Group x instructor.
- She has decades of world-wide yoga experience teaching babies, kids to seniors and everyone in between.
- With a comprehensive, diverse background in fitness, she has a passion for teaching wellness.
- I spend countless hours on wellness. You probably are busy with your life and I have been teaching yoga, pilates, yin yoga and movement classes for decades. I dive into my teachings and explore everything including modern and ancient wisdoms and what works with our lifestyles right now. If you want these strategies and the amazing results they deliver then I invite you to subscribe to my youtube channel and for more exclusive content and supporting my channel, join Patreon. Thank you so much beautiful friends. Have an amazing day. namaste
Hi Friends – first off!!!!
Thank yourself for showing-up. The first step is awareness. Our body, our lives, our emotions, our friends or family – a little voice tells us that something needs to change. That is my story. And suddenly Yin Yoga crossed my path. It was so foreign from the other types of yoga but a fellow yogi was teaching it. I was the director and often dropped in on classes. Then I started studying it and finding all of the fascinating benefits and stories. Now, I want to share this practice, along with powerful pranayama (breathing exercises), journaling, intentions and affirmations.
Take what works in your life style today. Go up and grab it little like you are at a buffet. Maybe it is a 5 minute practice. Maybe you journal. Taste it. You will come back for more. I am sure of it. And when you need it, you will know it.
You showed-up. YOU are making an effort to change your world and in doing so you change the world. Every emotion you shift; every thank you send out comes back to you and ripples out into consciousness.