“If you don’t see it in your life yet, find the feeling of it in your body. ” Rebekah Aramini Lupo

“If you don’t see it in your life yet, find the feeling of it in your body. ” Rebekah Aramini Lupo

“If you don’t see it in your life yet, find the feeling of it in your body. ” Rebekah Aramini Lupo

Do you want to manifest a new car.  But you do not have one in your parking spot yet. What does a new car give you? A feeling of freedom; a sensation of fun; abundance; limitlessness…

What does a new car feel like for you?

You want more wellness in your body. But when you look in the mirror or when you get up in the morning you do not feel that wellness. What does wellness give you? It makes you feel vibrant inside. It makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning and tell the world that you are ready.  Wellness feels like power and strength. What does wellness feel like for you?

You want abundance in your life. But your bank account does not reflect that abundance. What does abundance feel like in your body. It makes you want to dance. It makes you want to sing. Abundance feels like freedom. Abundance feels like a sense of joy.  Abundance feels like warmth in your heart. What does abundance feel like to you?

Create the vibration in your body. Vibration is the precursor. It is a law of the universe.