• Sparkle and Shine with this fun, motivational, Beach Meditation for kids with visualization.
  • Start your day with sounds of the ocean or just regroup after a playground adventure.
  • Under 10 minutes to reset your vibration, regroup and recharge!
  • Perfect for after recess or the playground, zoo or beach visit.
  • 10mins of charging your batteries and resetting your vibration!
  • Mindfulness Meditation for Kids… Simple but very effective breathing exercise which is an ideal introduction into Mindfulness.
  • This can be used to help ease worries, anxiety and stress as well as a great way to start your day!
  • Unwind with your child and regroup after a busy event!
  • Sparkle and Shine with this fun OCEAN THEMED motivational Meditation for kids.
  • Relax with the sounds of the ocean.
  • Regroup and recharge.