Texting All Day? Try These Stretches for Quick Neck Pain Relief with these nerd neck exercises and get your  habit tracker. It’s free.

It’s Interactive and/ or print it. #textneck

Hi FRIENDS! Join me for beginner-friendly yoga flow for hip health exercises to empower your hips, your body and yourself. It is on my YT channel -Body Illumination with Rebekah.

Hang your better posture exercises habit tracker on your fridgeIf you find yourself experience neck pain after a long day of looking down at your phone, you’re not alone.

better posture exercises - AWESOME POSTURE HABIT TRACKER

This modern malady has been dubbed “text neck” and it’s a growing problem. Say Goodbye to Text Neck Pain with better posture exercises and my awesome posture exercise habit tracker. Texting All Day? Try These Stretches for Quick Neck Pain Relief with these nerd neck exercises and habit tracker. It’s free. It’s Interactive and/ or print it. Ease the ache of text neck with these gentle stretches and easy exercises. A happy body is a happy life and a happy life is a better world.

Watch the video for these neck and shoulder strengthening exercises that you can do while sitting at your desk:

1. Gentle Percussive Tapping

2. Neck flexor activation (Isometric Hold)

3. Add rotation – Neck flexor activation (Isometric Hold)

4.Towel Twists Left

5.Towel Twists Right

6.Shoulder Grab Right

7.Shoulder Grab Left

8.Seated Backbend

9.Right Seated Side Banana

10.Left Seated Side Banana


It’s important to perform these stretches slowly and with good form, and to listen to your body. Remember to breathe normally as you perform the stretches, and never hold your breath. You should feel a gentle stretch in your muscles, not pain. If you experience pain, stop the stretch.better posture exercises - AWESOME POSTURE HABIT TRACKER Interactive

Performing these stretches on a regular basis can help improve your flexibility and range of motion, which can lead to better overall physical fitness and performance.

Here is the one of the articles I reference in the video:


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