Learn How Props Can Help

Learn How Props Can Help
Well, the short of the long of it is NO – you don’t need blocks for yoga or pilates.  Thing only thing you really need is a mat and even that you can improvise without… HOWEVER, props and accessories can really elevate your practice.
“What do you mean by that Rebekah?” you may ask.  Well block are like tools that can be keys to unlocking a pose for you or accessing a different part of the body.  They can also motivate you to try something new.  I love them.  I have tried loads and loads of different props, accessories and equipment.  It is really fun and fascinating how it allows you to perfect or even just try an exercise you never thought you could do.  It is especially nice when I have a client that really needs to stretch something out buried in his or her back side under the piraformis.  After 5 different stretches and exercise, I find one with a unique prop that helps them get there!  That for me, is very satisfying as a teacher.
You don’ have to spend a boat load on props either?  Instead of yoga blocks you can use books or DIY boxes.  If you prefer something like a yoga jelly to support your wrists and hands instead of blocks, you can purchase them or DIY something.
🔥🔥🔥 Let me know what props you love. 🔥🔥🔥
  1. 1 16 oz spray bottle.
  2. 1/4 cup witch hazel.
  3. 10 drops of lavender essential oil.
  4. 8 drops of spearmint essential oil.
  5. 5 drops peppermint essential oil.
  6. 3 drops tea tree essential oil.
  7. 2 drops of lemon essential oil.
  8. 1 drop of orange essential oil.
  9. Filtered water.
  1. Add witch hazel to spray bottle and top off with water until almost full.
  2. Add in all the essential oils. If you prefer more intense scents, feel free to add more.
  3. Shake and spray directly onto mat.
  4. Wipe clean using a towel and leave out to dry completely.
  5. Use after each yoga mat use or as desired
  6. Spray the room
  7. Spray your wrists lightly (always do a small test patch to see if you have a reaction).
  1. 1 16 oz spray bottle.
  2. 1/4 cup witch hazel.
  3. 5 drops Tea tree essential oil.
  4. 5 drops Sage essential oil.
  5. 5 drops of Lavender essential oil.
  6. 4 drops of Vetiver essential oil.
  7. 2 drops Peppermint essential oil.
  8. 2 drops Spearmin essential oil.
  9. Filtered water.
  1. Add witch hazel to spray bottle and top off with water until almost full.
  2. Add in all the essential oils. If you prefer more intense scents, feel free to add more.
  3. Shake and spray directly onto mat.
  4. Wipe clean using a towel and leave out to dry completely.
  5. Use after each yoga mat use or as desired
  6. Spray the room
  7. Spray your wrists lightly (always do a small test patch to see if you have a reaction).

Bouquet of flowers circle the O in the OM mantra. Inspirational OM!  Everything in the universe is pulsating and vibrating. The sound Om, when chanted, vibrates at the frequency of 432 Hz, which is the same vibrational frequency found throughout everything in nature.  Available at Amazon. Click here.